MGR Technologies
- Enjoy the world of high quality clean, clear, tasty, and pure water.
Better Taste… Better Health… Better Life
- MGR Technologies Reverse Osmosis System
- Pre filter 5 micron to remove suspended materials such as sediments, insects, fibers, asbestos, rust, and dust, etc.
Granular Activated Carbon filter (GAC) removes dissolved gases, bad taste, and odour. Carbon filter removes chlorine & organic matters.
- Water is forced with the help of booster pump through a semi permeable (R.O.) membrane. This rejects a high percentage of all dissolved solids including sodium. The impurities are literally separated from water molecules and flushed down to the sink.
Post filter Toxic Chemical Removal (TCR) virtually absorbs all organic contaminants and removes bad test and odour & gases of the water.
How does MGR Technologies Reverse Osmosis works?
- The R.O. process uses a semi permeable TFC membrane to remove and reject up to 90 to 95% of impurities and contaminants from water. Contaminants such as Iron, Lead, Nitrate, Magnesium, Copper, Sodium, Bacteria, Viruses and much more can be eliminated using only water pressure.
Area of Usage
Homes, Offices, and Banks
Apartments & Societies
Hotels & Restaurants
Schools, Colleges, and Hostels
Clinics & Hospitals
Pharmaceutical Industries
Hatcheries & Poultry Farms